
Euro 2005
Pamplona / San Sebastian

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Far from the adventures of Barcelona, and the running of the bulls in Pamplona, San Sebastian was an understated retreat that gave me the chance to relax after a few hectic nights travelling.

I guess first my Pamplona running of the bulls experince. I would probably call this my first known festival that I attended. Coming straight of the overnight train, I jumped off, stashed my belongings into the locker at the station and with the help of a few people I met on the train, found my way onto a bus into the city centre.

Walking to find the actual place to jump into the running of the bulls I was strolling through streets that had drunks in the street recovering from the previous nights bender, smell of urine and lots of spilt wine (possibly sangria?). The course was baracaded off. I had about 30 minutes before the start. I found a fence, jumped over and waited like a sardine with the crowds waiting for the canon to fire. From memory, the first was to start walking, and minutes later another stating the bulls were released.. Something like that. It was roughly an 800m course with a dog-leg in it which is the corner most of the thrill seekers hang at. There were a few police around, and they were strict with using a camera while in the course. They warn you once to put it away, then they start beating the camera out of your hand and the beating you if you keep being a smart ass. Fair call.

Once the second canon went, I was off. I think being more scared of being trampled by the crowds then the bulls I didnt look back and made it safely into the bull fighting arena without the sight of a bull. Travelling alone I wasnt really prepared to take too many chances.

With roars from the crowds, which I will assume are mostly tourists (from what I hear, the locals have ther own festival now elsewhere), as the bulls finally come through into the arena and are promptly rushed through and out.

Then in the arena they send in some smaller, possibly safer bulls for which to toy with. This lasts for around 1 hour. They do this thing where a small group of people line up in front of the arena gate and when they open it a bull charges toward the group and then jumps over them. Pretty cool really.

So a great experience, accomdation is out of control, and very touristy. Then you get the scalpers selling tickets to go see bull fights and what not. Historical point, the London Bombings took place today which was a bit of a shock. Had to call the family back home so they knew I wasnt there

Anyway, San Sebastian. This is a lovely coastal town on the north-west side of Spain, not far from the French border. This seemed like a beautiful part of the world. There is a little island near the main beach that you can get a lift to. I swam over, though that was pushing it a bit, not having money on me at that point, i had to also swim back.

Lot of pubs around here. There was a street performer, think he was Bulgarian. Really good. He got me to look after his guitar while he took a piss. I tried to play Claptons Tears in Heaven, and when he returned, he showed me a few tricks with it. Dont remember a thing now though.

Its always hard to work out what makes a destination great for someone and just average for others. I think for me this time it is easy to say I love San Sebastian because it was a nice break from the rush of getting to the running of the bulls. Plus, it is a nice place.

San Sebastian, Spain

Pamplona San Sebastian

Pamplona San Sebastian

Pamplona San Sebastian

Pamplona San Sebastian

Pamplona San Sebastian

Pamplona San Sebastian

Pamplona San Sebastian

Pamplona San Sebastian

Pamplona San Sebastian

Pamplona San Sebastian

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