
Story 1
KY Jelly

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KY Jelly

My 30th birthday had been 29 years in the making. The plan, bare boat charter a yacht in the Whitsundays.

Boat, Check. Fishing Gear, Check. Snorkelling Gear, CHeck, almost..

Growing my best attempt of a full face of beard, I was reminded by my brother that I should get some KY Jelly to lubricate the mask to avoid leakages as recommended by our local dive shop. Apparently Vaseline , although a good sealant can damage the silicon mask. Good idea!

So me and my brother head down to woolies to some of this stuff up. No luck so I head down to the chemist and have a look around. There was a little tube of KY there. But I didnt think it would be enough.

So I call over the sales assistant...

Excuse me, but do you guys have any KY Jelly?

Yes sir, just over here..

Is that all you have?
I am actually after a bit more that that.
I am sure it used to come in a much bigger tub...

No, sorry but that is all we have.

I definently need more. See me and my mates have are going away for a week on a yacht and I dont think that will last.

It was at this point that I noticed the shock on her face and began to realise what I was saying
It was an outer body experience as I was looking down at the situation and realising the lost translation of what was going on.

My brother had already walked away and was enjoying the spectical from a distance.

There was nothing left to do , but excuse myself and leave...


Whitsunday Islands
Whitsunday Islands
Whitsunday Islands
Whitsunday Islands
Whitsunday Islands

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2015 - JesterRoyale DaveDoodles HackyJak


The sotries written here may or may not be actual occurences.