You-Nique Health and Fitness
Health and Fitness
Ph: 0423 923 118


The Benefits of Using an Exercise Physiologist!

"We know of no single intervention with greater promise than physical exercise to reduce virtually all chronic diseases simultaneously"

- Booth et al. Journal of Applied Physiology 2000
How we help your Patients

At You-Nique Health & Fitness our goal is to facilitate our clients change towards self-management.

We all know the benefits of being physically active but for some, just getting out of bed is hard. People do not lose their fitness and function overnight; it is a slow process. (See: Physical Inactivity Cycle)
Excercise Physiology Cycle
Break the Cycle

At You-Nique Health & Fitness we develop individualized programs to help clients break this inactivity cycle.

We then teach and motivate them on how to continue these exercises to constantly improve their health and wellbeing.

Who Are Exercise Physiologists?

Exercise Physiologists are not Personal Trainers!!!!

The term Exercise Physiologist has not always been protected and this has led to much confusion. However, since the inclusion of Exercise Physiologists in Medicare the term Exercise Physiologist may only be used by individuals who met the strict accreditation criteria set down by the Exercise and Sports Science Association Australia. These Include:

  • Completed a Tertiary Degree
  • Completed Extensive Clinical Experience
  • Approved by HIC

    All You-Nique Health & Fitness Exercise Physiologists are accredited with ESSAA, and have provider numbers.
  • What does treatment involve?

    We generally get 3-5 sessions under care plans. An initial session will involve medical screening, review of referral information, care plans, current activity habits and motivational counseling.

    Further sessions are used to show, educate and teach the clients how to progress these programs to another level after our treatment has ceased. Our exercise programs are customized to meet the clients specific health needs, sessions are completed in their own home or one of our centres.

    Excercise Physiology Cycle

    Excercise Physiology Cycle

    Health and Fitness
    Ph: 0423 923 118

    Please phone us to arrange an appointment.




    Keeping YOU in order!