
20231206 Murgon day 2

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Hopefully the second last day of school work. I’m probably more excited about that then Seb. Another hot muggy day. After school work, we headed to Murgon to catch up with Wayne and Sandy, Kylie’s Uncle, for morning tea. They rocked up in his XA GT Coupe. Pretty cool looking […]


20231205 Murgon day 1

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Travel day to Murgon. Mira for a good chance to play with her friends. Seb practiced catching again with me. Headed into Pomona before driving just outside Murgon. Let the kids buy some stuff from the bakery. They played in the park a bit. Nice little bush camp here. Did […]


20231204 Pomona day 3

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Big storm came over today. May have been some hail but I don’t think so and we were at the ginger factory. The ginger factory was pretty good, don’t think it was worth 200$ bit what is food value these days? The bee tour was pretty cool. Kids got to […]


20231203 Mary Valley Rattler

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Pomona day 2. Headed back to Gympie to jump on the Mary Valley Rattler. It was a nice experience. Does take you back to a bygone era. Can smell the coal burning and rattling our bones, a far cry from a shinkansen. Felt like we were traveling maybe 30-40km/h. The […]


20241202 Charlie Chaplin

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No, Charlie Chaplin is not a place. We headed to Pomona. They were screening a silent movie at the Majestic Theatre. I really didn’t expect the kids to sit through a whole movie with no talking and just an organ. It was a surprisingly good viewing experience and probably helped […]


20231201 Tin Can Bay

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Rainbow Beach day 5. Off to see the dolphin feeding. Not really my thing but rate this one much more than a Monkey Mia. Kids could get in and feed the little fluppers. Went to a park and got savaged by mosquitoes. Came home and kids started finish our turtle […]


20231130 Inskip Point

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Rainbow Beach day 4. We said our farewells to the Whiteheads as they are on their way and our paths probably won’t cross till we are established back home in Brisbane. I almost can’t remember what we got up to and I’m doing this one day after. I’m guessing a […]


20231129 Double Island Point

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Rainbow Beach day 3. Much nicer day. Hard to believe I didn’t take any pictures. We did our school work, kids played in the park a bit I think. They made a cubby house out of drift wood. We headed to with the Whiteheads to Teewah by going inland through […]


20231127 Rainbow Beach day 1

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Bit of a hike to get to Rainbow Beach. Really nice location for camp site. They stick the van in nose first with a tractor which is awesome cause we get ocean views. Has been raining a lot last few days but that is fine. We just set up did […]