
20230621 Lucky Bay day 2

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Did some exploring around here. Drive to the pink lake near Gregory Town then went to see a natural bridge along the coast line. i had an upset stomach which took me out of action for the afternoon. There were a number of whales putting on a show for us […]


20230618 Kylie’s Birthday

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Today I tried to make an effort for Kylie’s birthday. But the best thing i did is look after the kids while Kylie went and got a massage and then did some shopping. We did get out for a breakfast near the beach, though it was rather cold. We had […]


20230617 Geraldton

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One of those larger towns. Traffic lights and shopping malls. Shipping port. Nice caravan park. Good spot to chill and stock up on a few things, mostly Harry Potter books from Kmart. Kylie’s birthday tomorrow. Some of the pictures from there are here. But she might have more which can […]


20230614 Sandy Cape

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Travel day to just past Jurien Bay. We had a chat to a guy filling up the water tanks when we went to check in and he suggest a newly vacated site which ended up being awesome. Kids had a blast running around the dunes and beach. Weather still a […]


20230612 Pinnacles

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Early start trying to catch a sunrise at the pinnacles. We made it. Kids had fun playing hide and seek through here. Also managed to catch a sunset. Probably the first time in a long time that I’ve seen a sunrise and a sunset.


20230611 Cervantes

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Travel day to Cervantes. Splashed out on a lobster lunch at the “lobster shack”. Nice little seafood spot. Little walk on the beach found what the kids called the stick shack. Guessing the lobster shack was still fresh in their minds.


20230605 Swan Valley

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Nothing to add for last two days. Moved from Perth and there had been pretty much still solid rain. Forecast for a few more days. Gives us a chance to do nothing and not feel too bad about it 🙂.