
20230912 Darwin Day 7

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Stayed here that long it feels like home! Not really but moving tomorrow feels weird. School work then we headed to the Royal Flying Doctor’s Museum and the bombing of Darwin on the wharf. Decent little historic display, although a bit expensive. They had some of VR goggles with some […]


20230911 Darwin Day 6

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Got back into some school work in the morning. Then headed to the waterfront where the kids did the wave pool followed by gelato. Kids got a little carried away brushing my hair. Seb looks a bit like Lloyd from dumb and dumber with his tooth missing. So the kids […]


20230909 Darwin Day 4

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Took the kiddies to a free water park. They seemed to enjoy that. Went too Buffalo Creek on the way home after some more GYG for lunch, not much there. Seb got a graze on his knee that he claims is from being tripped by Mira. Nearly ruined his and […]


20230908 Darwin day 3

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Kids went for a swim. Had GYG, still the best, as good as I remember. Headed to the park area then to the east point where there was a military museum. It’s kinda hard to fathom Darwin was bombed. Still lots of reminisce of military defenses scattered around the place. […]


20230907 Darwin Day 2

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Kylie’s got everything packed to fly back to Brisbane for 4 nights. Went for a drive to the foreshore region of Darwin which was pretty cool. Wave pool, inflatable playground, few shops around the place including gelato. So we did the gelato. Then drove through the city quickly before dropping […]


20230906 Darwin

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Bigger city again. Nothing like Perth size though. Hit a mall for some shopping. More local action with cops arresting someone. Nice mall though. Kids got some cheap Crocs and thongs. Finally managed to wash all the sheets. Been a while. Reminds me of the good ol bachelor pad days. […]

Location , Travel

20230905 Berry Springs

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A short drive from where we are staying, we headed over mid morning. Pretty nice spot to be fair I enjoyed looking under the water at a few different fish species. A few deep pools to chill in although water was pretty nice. Went for a walk around the camp. […]


20230904 Tumbling Waters

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Could have called this Berri Springs, but save that for tomorrow. This was essentially a travel day toward Darwin. Think this leaves us about 30 mins to Darwin which we will hit in two days. Wonder if there is a GYG there? Nice little caravan Park. Pretty hot and humid. […]