
20230702 Cape Perron

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Went for a bumpy ol ride to Cape Perron and checked out a few spots in the National Park. Was brutal on the car. The point was quite nice, seemed to be lots of wildlife activity. About 3 hours of driving. Got bogged again. Ended the day in a natural […]


20230701 Denham

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Short trip to Denham. Nice location and a small town. Caught up with Andrew and Kelly and Co for dinner at the camp kitchen over a few drinks as this is likely the last we will see them for a while. We all had a bit of a laugh at […]


20230630 Monkey Mia day 3

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This day is much like yesterday. Played some cricket with another family here. Planned on going for a kayak but Seb melted down just before. So Kylie and Mira went. Enjoyed dinner at the restaurant here on our final night. Fancy. There should be some pics of the kayak from […]


20230629 Monkey Mia day 2

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More chilling at the resort. Wind is cold but drops off in the afternoon. Had a number of different sea animals hanging around the jetty. I think the dolphins feeding experience is a bit overrated though. It is no where as interactive as I was expecting. Basically wet your feet […]


20230628 Monkey Mia

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Under two hours travel to get to this place. It’s a nice little resort style park. Emus everywhere sticking their heads into the van to eat anything they can peck at. Kids had funny trying to get pictures of them. There are heaps of dolphins here just chilling close to […]


20230626 travel day to Hamelin Bay

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Rain overnight. Still pretty fresh as well. Heading North and skies look to be clearing looking forward. The station stay is quite nice. We spent the evening in the camp kitchen playing cards and trying to work out if we should drive to steep point tomorrow. Decided against, be nice […]


20230625 Kalbarri day 3

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Went into town to catch a peek pelican feeding. Stocked up on some groceries and caught up with Andrew and Kelly in the arvo. Chilled day overall. Had some takeaway for dinner which was a nice change from cooking and cleaning and also nice to feel like eating after a […]


20230624 Kalbarri

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Went to the skywalk, nature’s window and z bend in the national park. Inspiring views of the landscape and the Murchison river. Headed out to get some groceries later on but we got carried away chatting to some friends while the kids played in the park.


20230623 Travel day to Kalbari

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We are about 20 mins out of town at a station. Murchison House station. Seems to be some history here about a Turkish miss universe and a prince. But hard to find out details without good Internet. I’m feeling better. Kylie’s turn to go through this virus. Nice little spot. […]