
20230924 Darwin T2D5

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Bit of washing, then the family went to at 6 galleries while I took the kids and Poppy Steve to the water park slide and GYG. Kids are getting into a bit of skateboarding now. Lots of windows being wound.


20230922 Darwin T2D3

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Day trip to Litchfield. Did Florence, Burley, Wongi and Magnetic Termites. Ended up having to help out someone who was short on fuel. He thinks I’m a legend. He gave money which is good, although I didn’t want to take it at first, but it’s starting to add up helping […]


20230920 Darwin Trip 2 Day 1

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Drive back to Darwin and set up in discovery parks near the airport. Some cool military great going around. Seb had been feeling a bit under the weather. But still managing to swim. Kylie’s family flew in to spend some time with us. So they went did some shopping while […]