
20231126 Lady Musgrave Island

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Day trip to Lady Musgrave. Long boat ride out and home with a few people getting seasick. We took tablets and I think they saved us. The island reef pontoon and snorkeling was pretty amazing. So overall a good day. Was a bit rushed and felt like we had jump […]


20231124 Mon Repos

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Mon Repos is a little section of protected beach just north of Bargara where turtles come. We tried to nights ago but there were no turtles. Tonight one came up then went back into the water, bit fortunately we were lucky enough to catch another turtle last eggs. So that […]


20231123 Bargara day 3

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We all had a sleep in after a late turtles night last night. Think that caught up to us all last night. Didn’t do too much in the morning, some school work and a quick swim before heading around the area for a drive to check out Elliot heads. Helped […]


20231122 Bargara day 2

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Seb’s birthday! Lots of excitement opening up presents and making a mess in what is now a massively undersized space with all the balloons and wrapping paper. Few LEGO kits, a few books, a few games, Mario pyjamas and who knows what else. Mira also got a few things, Banjo […]


20231121 Bargara day 1

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More rain. Wet packing up but wasn’t terrible. Drove through Bundaberg to get here. Nice little spot on the beach. Big4 Breeze “classic”. Must be when they buy out an existing site but don’t want to go full bogan after they take over. Not much today, just some shopping then […]


20231120 1770 day 5

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Today we went for a little catch up with Danny and Teoni. Firstly went to 1770 getaway where we caught up with Michael, Elvis’s Dad, and went to their house for a bit. They had home made donuts which were just like stara bakas. We then headed to Teoni and […]


20231119 1770 day 4

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Chilled out overcast day. Ended up walking to the marina after the kids played up in the van all morning. Kids found some new friends they played with for a bit. At the marina kids feed the fish for a bit while we had a cheeky drink at the bar. […]


20231118 Agnes Waters

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Rain rain go away unless you’re a local resident. They need it. Rained all night. Rained most of the morning. So of course Seb wet the bed as I mentioned yesterday. There went half of my morning at the Laundromat. Did some groceries and then caught up with Danny and […]


20231117 Tom Curtain

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Feels like we had a pretty big day doing stuff so I probably won’t remember everything. We were meant to go to breakfast at the place we stayed on our honeymoon but they appear closed. Bit of a shame. We headed out there anyway but couldn’t find any of the […]