20230917 Litchfield National Park day 5

Figured we would head out earlier today to Greenant Creek. There is a water fall at the end which had a small plunge pool. Not really worth the walk for the pool as there were other people there so not that much room for all of us. The waterfall was nice though but not really worth the drive and the walk should have gone back to Walker Creek.

Kids spent most of the arvo in the tent, without the fly, listening to Percy Jackson Greek Heros. Later in the arvo, they played with Brian and Julie’s kids. The ended up filthy with mud and sand pretty much everywhere from running in the sprinkler and then making mud angels. Seriously.

Kylie ended up sleeping in the tent with Mira as Seb didn’t feel like it, but he did feel like sleeping in the bed with me. I thought Kylie was a bed hog, Seb is following in her footsteps. For a small kid he commands a lot of bed space. He even ended up palming my face once. Nice and fresh tonight though.