20230824 El Questro chill

Just chilling and catching up with some school work today. Kids were gonna swim in the creek near the stall house after they finished their schooling but we changed our mind when a sub 2m snake swam past. It was brown and even though a ranger said it was unlikely to be a brown snake and more likely to be a keelback, it was enough for me to walk away from the swimming hole. I mean, the ranger didn’t actually see it so not worth the risk.

Headed out for a drive to pigeon lookout and then Chamberlain Gorge jetty. But the later was only the jetty. Needed a boat to get to the gorge. Feels like croc territory out here. The river is pretty wide here.

Seb took the cricket set later in the arvo to the communal grad area where a few other kids joined in with us.