20230711 Travel to Exmouth

Expensive day. Caravan service, fuel, dentist, shopping, accommodation. Weather is definitely warmer up past the tropic of Capricorn which we have now past.

First impression of Exmouth is positive. Nice little town center with pretty much everything you need. Maybe the west equivalent of Port Douglas. Lots of your operations etc.

Seb got a hair cut. Hairdresser laughed a fair bit when she realized why we were there, that is, Seb’s self hair cut.

Kids had an ice cream while Kylie shopped. Kids practiced snorkeling in the pool. There is hope yet.

Kids are having a good laugh reading Harry Potter with Kylie, summing about a love potion. Think Kylie is enjoying the books more than the kids to be honest.

Caravan got serviced, so that should get us back to Brisbane hopefully.