20231122 Bargara day 2

Seb’s birthday! Lots of excitement opening up presents and making a mess in what is now a massively undersized space with all the balloons and wrapping paper.

Few LEGO kits, a few books, a few games, Mario pyjamas and who knows what else. Mira also got a few things, Banjo the Australian dinosaur from Lark stamped, which I don’t think is a stamped at all. We had pancakes at Seb’s request.

We had a quick swim and did some boarding at the beach before we jumped on some bikes and rode around town down a park crawl. Got some fish and chips for lunch, some gelato then headed home. Kids watched some episodes while I fell asleep and do did Kylie. I got a phone call and as I woke up must have kicked Kylie in the face because there were four in the bed and the little one said “but it’s my birthday!”. Kylie was a bit shocked and started going on about pulling her hair out from her forehead or something “you’re giving me a half patch!” lots of yelling going on.. I ran out to take the call away from this madness. We had cake, maybe a few too many candles as it took a bit to blow out and we thought the smoke alarm was gonna go off

Headed over to Mon Repos to see if we could see some turtles laying eggs. Wasn’t a bad experience. Just we didn’t get any turtles. Staff were excellent with the kids letting them be junior rangers and ended singing happy birthday to Seb and giving them a few activity books. We stayed till midnight walking on the beach for a bit at the end. Kids were cooked. We were cooked.