Bigger city again. Nothing like Perth size though. Hit a mall for some shopping. More local action with cops arresting someone. Nice mall though. Kids got some cheap Crocs and thongs.
Finally managed to wash all the sheets. Been a while. Reminds me of the good ol bachelor pad days. Kylie will sleep well tonight I think.
Went and got dinner at a nearby pub which was nice actually. Steak. Pepper sauce. Seb tried something different with Hawaiian pizza. Ate most of it too.
Came back and kids went for a night swim. I got eaten alive by mossies while sitting and writing this. Kylie is busy packing and sorting stuff out in the van before she heads back to brissy for a few nights.
Oh yeah, Sebby, lost another tooth. He was talking to dida on the phone, last pic I have of him with his front baby chiclet teeth.