Nice little stay at Victoria road but about 3 hours of driving to get to Katherine. Went back to the bridge again and kids tried to feed the fish. Didn’t see any Crocs but I’m sure they are there. Saw few different fish swimming around.
Got to Katherine and set up camp. Kids instantly made some friends at the playground. Kylie just by chance happened to bump into a family who had kids at Marshall Road school last year as well. She just messaged them yesterday.
Went shopping. Heaps of action Friday arvo and cops were busy breaking up a few fights and who knows what else is going on. Cops also stationed at the front of liquor stores. Not sure if it just Friday arvo causing issues or if it’s tough here near the bottle shops.
Came back and went looked at some farm animals and then Seb went hopping on hay bails.
Having power now is nice. Air conditioning is almost a must during the day. Plus everything is easier on general.