Packed up the van reasonably early and headed to Imintji to park up for a few days. Pretty decent site to be honest after hearing it was average. Filled up at 285c/l highest so far I think. Packed the car to head to Bells Gorge without the van.
Another slow day driving over corrugation. It beat me today. 4Low and crawled the last 12 kms. Just couldn’t get comfortable to get the speed to stay on top of the corrugation. 25psi doesn’t make the difference I was told it would. There were a few creek crossings, deeper than I would have liked but nothing to worry about. 7kms of Gibbs and then 30kms of worse than Gibb.
Bells Gorge was pretty awesome. Relatively short walk and a beautiful waterfall. Water was refreshing, almost warm. Kids had a blast and gave it a 5 star rating.
There is some GoPro footage I will add later on when I get a chance.
Now the drive back. Not sure what I’m doing wrong but people keep going past me.
Tomorrow, one more day of exploring then we will back track out of the Gibbs. As beautiful as it is, it’s no place for dragging a caravan through. Each to their own I guess.
The funniest thing is everyone had a different idea on what is like. Staying in Matchfly Glen, ask different people, everyone says something different. Lots of variables I guess. Starting to think having a 265/60R18 isn’t giving me enough side profile on the tire.
Whatever it is, I’ll be glad to be back on sealed roads in two days time. As much as I love adventure, feels like the vehicles are just being junked.