After using this for a few months now, I can say I am pretty happy with the unit. It’s mostly easy to navigate and the touch screen works mostly well. Sometimes trying to swipe ends up being a touch/select. See mounting option I choose in the video below.
The telemetry that is available covers most things I wanted. Unfortunately, the NW doesn’t have any exhaust temp sensors that I can utilize. I’ve fitted an EGT probe behind the turbo now and run a separate gauge for that.
So we got the scangauge now, and a cheap dial showing EGT, Voltage, Boost. Along with AT temps (pan and flute?) on the scangauge, instantaneous fuel usage, RPM and current speed at a glance, I’m pretty happy with what I can see.
There is an option to change the speed/km and vary it by a percentage. I think I’ve had to adjust my speed based on GPS by about 5 or 6 %. There is also something similar with fuel flow when trying to work out fuel usage. I still haven’t dialed that in as it varies with the display on the info unit in the Pajero. Also, knowing that the km’s travelled is out, so that needs to be factored in with that display. I will need to work out how many actual km/s travelled, with actual fuel used next time I fill up and make that adjustment. Not a big deal really.