
Exposure - Diablo Mk 6
Review and Unpack

[Adventure Blog]

Exposure Diablo Mk6

Exposure Diablo Mk6

So with winter coming, and the sun disappering
earlier each evening, I thought my best option
was to get a light that I can stick on my helmet
and buy some light after the sun has well set.

Exposure Diablo Mk6

For around $AU240 the Exposure Diablo Mk6
seemed to by my best option. (

I have not yet had a great chance to test
how long this light lasts, but apart from that
this is a great light for me

We can see here that you get two mounting options
Helemet and handle bar. As I plan on using this
for night riding through the forestery, i have
only used the helmet mount as it gives me the best
option to look around while riding to see what is
coming and spiders webs etc.

Only issue i had is the British power adapter
however i can use a standard USB charge with the
cable provided, so not a big deal for me.

Exposure Diablo Mk6

Exposure Diablo Mk6

I do like the fitting that came for the helmet.
Fit easy and for now a nice firm adjustable
pivot is part of the mount.

Exposure Diablo Mk6

Exposure Diablo Mk6

The three LED seem to give ample light for me
to get around and I get a good 40 mins out
of it on full power. THat is about all i will
need in general, however there may be more
juice in the tank for a longer ride, or even
less power if visibility is not paramount.

Exposure Diablo Mk6

Exposure - Diablo Mk 6 - TAP feature

It took me a while to understand how
the TAP function works, but i got it
See the below video for some guide
and example how it works.
It is kinda cool and i have found
myself using it :)

Also some footage of the light at night.
However, it is better in real life
than what the footage shows.

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2015 - JesterRoyale DaveDoodles HackyJak


The sotries written here may or may not be actual occurences.